The Florida Library Association is a statewide organization that promotes excellence in Florida libraries by advocating strongly for libraries and providing high quality professional and leadership development for a diverse community of library staff, volunteers, and supporters.
The Florida Library Association champions strong, indispensable, user-focused Florida libraries that exceed the expectations of the communities and constituents they serve.
Organization ($0-$499,999) Membership Benefits:
Organization ($500,000-$999,999) Membership Benefits:
Organization ($1M-4.99M) Membership Benefits:
Organization ($5M-$9.99M) Membership Benefits:
Organization ($10M-$19.99M) Membership Benefits:
Organization ($20M-$29.99M) Membership Benefits:
Organization ($30M-$39.99M) Membership Benefits:
Organization ($40M and above) Membership Benefits:
Business Membership Benefits:
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